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SAP NetWeaver 7.0.x

Supported versions

NeoLoad supports SAP net weaver Web Application Server versions 7.0.x and later.


Before the SAP net weaver monitor can be used, several net weaver server jars need to be installed.

Copy the following files from the net weaver installation directory to the <neoload>/jmxlib/netweaver70 directory:

After copying the files, it is unnecessary to restart NeoLoad. The files are automatically synchronized with the Monitoring Agent once the changes have been made.

Connection settings

Defining a monitor on a SAP net weaver server requires the name or IP address of the machine to be monitored, as well as the connection port. The port is the SAP NetWeaver server access point for the P4 protocol. The port number can be retrieved using the SAP Management Console at: Management Console > SAP Systems > <SAP System name> > <SAP Instance name> > Access Points. The access point is named P4.

In addition to these settings, a valid user account must be provided if authentication is enabled (same account as the one used to connect to the SAP net weaver Administration Console).

Create an SAP NetWeaver monitor

NeoLoad makes it possible to create a new monitor either using the monitored machine creation wizard, as described in Create and configure a monitored machine, or from an existing monitored machine, as described in Create and configure a monitor.

NeoLoad displays a list of the applications deployed on the configured server. It then automatically selects the most appropriate counters for each of the selected applications.

Available counters

All SAP net weaver counters are documented here.

The first-level nodes in the monitors tree show the domain (only for 7.1.x versions), the instance name and the cluster node number respectively.
