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Supported versions

The Linux monitor has been tested on CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Mandriva, Red Hat, Suse and Ubuntu operating systems.

Connection settings

When creating a Linux monitor, the protocol must be specified (Telnet or SSH).

Defining a Linux connection to a server requires the name or IP address of the machine to be monitored, as well as the connection port. The standard access ports are port 23 for the Telnet protocol and port 22 for the SSH protocol.

A valid user account also must be entered to allow NeoLoad to connect to the server and retrieve the performance counters to be monitored. NeoLoad can open up to three Telnet/SSH connections to the server, depending on the counters to be monitored.

Specificities of the SSH protocol

NeoLoad supports the following authentication methods:

NeoLoad also supports the following encryption algorithms (ciphers): aes128-cbc, aes128-ctr, aes192-cbc, aes256-cbc, 3des-cbc, 3des-ctr, blowfish-cbc, arcfour, arcfour128, twofish-cbc, twofish128-cbc, twofish192-cbc, twofish256-cbc, and cast128-cbc.

Lastly, NeoLoad supports the following message authentication codes (MAC): hmac-sha1, hmac-sha1-96, hmac-md5, and hmac-md5-96.

Create a Linux monitor

NeoLoad makes it possible to create a new monitor either using the monitored machine creation wizard, as described in Create and configure a monitored machine, or from an existing monitored machine, as described in Create and configure a monitor.

Depending on the type of counter selected, NeoLoad displays additional steps to select the hard disks (Disk (per device) category counter) and processes (Process (per process) category counter) to be monitored.

Available counters


The counters available on Linux operating system are listed here.
