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Lombardi naming conventions

When developing BPDs in Lombardi Authoring Environment, the following character limitations and other conventions are enforced:

Object Conventions
Business Process Definitions (BPDs) Maximum length of 54 alpha-numeric characters (ASCII 23 - 255) and the following special characters are allowed: , . _ - ; : !

The following special characters are not allowed: " ' ` \ / ^

Activities Maximum 580 characters in length (anything over ASCII 32 is allowed)
Variable names Should start with a lowercase letter, with subsequent words capitalized like so: myVar. Variable names cannot start with numbers or dashes and cannot include spaces. (Should follow the ECMA-262 standard; keywords are allowed.)
Tracked names (autotracked or in tracking groups) Same conventions as variable names, with a limitation of 30 characters in length. (Cannot be SQL-92 keywords.)

Parent topic: Modeling processes


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