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Manage exposed process values (EPVs)

Exposed process values (EPVs) are variables that certain users can change when processes are running. Changing these values can affect the flow of process instances, task assignments, and so on in Lombardi Process Portal. For example, certain users might be allowed to change the dollar amounts for expenditures that require approval, thereby impacting which expenditures go through an approval step and who must perform the approval. For more information, see Create exposed process values (EPVs) in Lombardi Authoring Environment User Guide.

In Lombardi Process Portal, you can change EPVs that are included in a Lombardi report. If a Lombardi report includes one or more EPVs, the Manage EPVs option displays at the top of the report.

If the EPV that you want to manage is not included in a report, you can change the values of configured EPVs and set the date and time at which you want each new value to take effect in the Process Admin Console. See Manage exposed process values (EPVs) in Lombardi Administration Guide for more information.

  1. Click the Manage EPVs option at the top of the report.
  2. Use the drop-down menu, select the process application snapshot that contains the EPV that you want to modify.
  3. Use the drop-down menu, select the EPV that you want to edit.

    The Process Portal displays the variable values in the EPV that you can modify as shown in the following image:

  4. Click the row of the variable that you want to change and then click the New button shown in the following image.
  5. In the Exposed Process Value pop-up window, enter a new value, set the date and time at which you want the new value to take effect, and click the OK button.
  6. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each variable that you want to modify. You can enter multiple values for the same variable, each taking effect at a different time.

    The Process Portal displays all modifications for each variable in a separate table :

  7. Click a row and then use the Edit and Delete buttons to change or remove your modifications, if necessary.

Parent topic: Manage processes


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