

### ctable.sh
### Convert *.csv file to *.html file 
### with data in table format
### Usage ctable.sh filename.csv
### Note:
### Before dumping from Excel, change all commas (,)
### to pipes (|) doing a search and replace.
### After running this script, change pipes back 
### to commas.

x=`basename $1 .csv`

echo "<html>" > $x.html
echo "<head>"  >> $x.html
echo "<title> $x </title>"  >> $x.html
echo "</head>"  >> $x.html
echo "<body>"  >> $x.html
echo "<center>"  >> $x.html
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>"  >> $x.html
echo "<h1> $x </h1>"  >> $x.html
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>"  >> $x.html
echo "<p><blockquote>"  >> $x.html
echo "<table cellpadding=4 border=1>" >> $x.html

sed "s/^/  <td valign=top>/g" $1           | \
sed "s/^/<tr>/g" $y                        | \
sed "s/,/<\/td>  <td valign=top>/g"        | \
sed "s/$/<\/td>/g"                         | \
sed "s/|/,/g" $y                           | \
sed "s/$/<\/tr>/g"    | \
sed "s/top></top><br></g" >> $x.html

echo "</center>"  >> $x.html
echo "</table>"  >> $x.html
echo "</blockquote>"  >> $x.html
echo "</body>"  >> $x.html
echo "</html>" >> $x.html