

 jar(1)                                                     jar(1)


jar - Java archive tool


jar [ -C ] [ c ] [ f ] [ i ] [ M ] [ m ] [ O ] [ t ] [ u ] [ v ] [ x file ] [ manifest-file ] destination input-file [ input-files ]


The jar tool is a Java application that combines multiple files into a single JAR archive file. It is also a gen­ eral-purpose archiving and compression tool, based on ZIP and the ZLIB compression format. However, jar was designed mainly to facilitate the packaging of Java applets or applications into a single archive. When the components of an applet or application (.class files, images and sounds) are combined into a single archive, they can be downloaded by a Java agent (like a browser) in a single HTTP transaction, rather than require a new con­ nection for each piece. This dramatically improves down­ load time. The jar tool also compresses files, which fur­ ther improves download time. In addition, it allows indi­ vidual entries in a file to be signed by the applet author so that their origins can be authenticated. The syntax for the jar tool is almost identical to the syntax for the tar(1) command. A jar archive can be used as a class path entry, whether or not it is compressed. The three types of input files for the jar tool are: · Manifest file (optional) · Destination jar file · Files to be archived Typical usage is: example% jar cf myjarfile *.class In this example, all the class files in the current direc­ tory are placed in the file named myjarfile. A manifest file is automatically generated by the jar tool and is always the first entry in the jar file. By default, it is named META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. The manifest file is the place where any meta-information about the archive is stored. Refer to the Manifest Format in the SEE ALSO sec­ tion for details about how meta-information is stored in the manifest file. To use a pre-existing manifest file to create a new jar archive, specify the old manifest file with the m option: example% jar cmf myManifestFile myJarFile *.class When you specify cfm instead of cmf (that is, you invert the order of the m and f options), you need to specify the name of the jar archive first, followed by the name of the manifest file: example% jar cfm myJarFile myManifestFile *.class The manifest uses RFC822 ASCII format, so it is easy to view and process manifest-file contents.


The following options are supported: -C Changes directories during execution of the jar com­ mand. For example: example% jar uf foo.jar -C classes * c Creates a new or empty archive on the standard out­ put. f The second argument specifies a jar file to process. In the case of creation, this refers to the name of the jar file to be created (instead of on stdout). For table or xtract, the second argument identifies the jar file to be listed or extracted. i Generates index information for the specified jar file and its dependent jar files. For example, example% jar i foo.jar would generate an INDEX.LIST file in foo.jar which con­ tains location information for each package in foo.jar and all the jar files specified in foo.jar's Class-Path attribute. M Does not create a manifest file for the entries. m Includes manifest information from specified pre- existing manifest file. Example use: example% jar cmf myManifestFile myJarFile *.class You can add special-purpose name-value attribute headers to the manifest file that are not contained in the default manifest. Examples of such headers are those for vendor information, version informa­ tion, package sealing, and headers to make JAR-bun­ dled applications executable. See the JAR Files trail in the Java Tutorial and the JRE Notes for Developers web page for examples of using the m option. O Stores only, without using ZIP compression. t Lists the table of contents from standard output. u Updates an existing JAR file by adding files or changing the manifest. For example: example% jar uf foo.jar foo.class adds the file foo.class to the existing JAR file foo.jar, and example% jar umf foo.jar updates foo.jar's manifest with the information in manifest. v Generates verbose output on stderr. x file Extracts all files, or just the named files, from standard input. If file is omitted, then all files are extracted; otherwise, only the specified file or files are extracted. If any of the files is a directory, then that direc­ tory is processed recursively. EXAMPLES To add all of the files in a particular directory to an archive: example% ls 0.au 3.au 6.au 9.au at_work.gif 1.au 4.au 7.au Animator.class monkey.jpg e.au 5.au 8.au Wave.class spacemusic.au example% jar cvf bundle.jar * adding: 0.au adding: 1.au adding: 2.au adding: 3.au adding: 4.au adding: 5.au adding: 6.au adding: 7.au adding: 8.au adding: 9.au adding: Animator.class adding: Wave.class adding: at_work.gif adding: monkey.jpg adding: spacemusic.au example% If you already have subdirectories for images, audio files, and classes that already exist in an HTML direc­ tory, use jar to archive each directory to a single jar file: example% ls audio classes images example% jar cvf bundle.jar audio classes images adding: audio/1.au adding: audio/2.au adding: audio/3.au adding: audio/spacemusic.au adding: classes/Animator.class adding: classes/Wave.class adding: images/monkey.jpg adding: images/at_work.gif example% ls -l total 142 drwxr-xr-x 2 brown green 512 Aug 1 22:33 audio -rw-r--r-- 1 brown green 68677 Aug 1 22:36 bundle.jar drwxr-xr-x 2 brown green 512 Aug 1 22:26 classes drwxr-xr-x 2 brown green 512 Aug 1 22:25 images example% To see the entry names in the jar file using the jar tool and the t option: example% ls audio bundle.jar classes images example% jar tf bundle.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF audio/1.au audio/2.au audio/3.au audio/spacemusic.au classes/Animator.class classes/Wave.class images/monkey.jpg images/at_work.gif example% To display more information about the files in the archive, such as their size and last modified date, use the v option: example% jar tvf bundle.jar 145 Thu Aug 01 22:27:00 PDT 1996 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 946 Thu Aug 01 22:24:22 PDT 1996 audio/1.au 1039 Thu Aug 01 22:24:22 PDT 1996 audio/2.au 993 Thu Aug 01 22:24:22 PDT 1996 audio/3.au 48072 Thu Aug 01 22:24:23 PDT 1996 audio/spacemusic.au 16711 Thu Aug 01 22:25:50 PDT 1996 classes/Animator.class 3368 Thu Aug 01 22:26:02 PDT 1996 classes/Wave.class 12809 Thu Aug 01 22:24:48 PDT 1996 images/monkey.jpg 527 Thu Aug 01 22:25:20 PDT 1996 images/at_work.gif example% If you bundled a stock trade application (applet) into the following jar files, main.jar buy.jar sell.jar other.jar and you specified the Class-Path attribute in main.jar's manifest as Class-Path: buy.jar sell.jar other.jar then you can use the i option to speed up your applica­ tion's class loading time: example$ jar i main.jar An INDEX.LIST file is inserted in the META-INF directory which will enable the application class loader to download the right jar files when it is searching for classes or resources.


keytool(1) JAR Files @ http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jar/ JRE Notes @ http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/runtime.html#exam­ ple JAR Guide @ http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/jar/index.html For information on related topics, use the search link @ http://java.sun.com/ 13 June 2000 jar(1)