Interface Current

All Superinterfaces:
CurrentOperations, IDLEntity, Object, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
Current, Current
public interface Current
extends CurrentOperations, Object, IDLEntity

Interfaces derived from the Current interface enable ORB and CORBA services to provide access to information (context) associated with the thread of execution in which they are running. This information is accessed in a structured manner using interfaces derived from the Current interface defined in the CORBA module.

Each ORB or CORBA service that needs its own context derives an interface from the CORBA module's Current. Users of the service can obtain an instance of the appropriate Current interface by invoking ORB::resolve_initial_references.

org/omg/CORBA/ Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0" from src/share/classes/org/omg/PortableServer/corba.idl Saturday, July 17, 1999 12:26:21 AM PDT.

Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CORBA.Object
_create_request, _create_request, _duplicate, _get_domain_managers, _get_interface_def, _get_policy, _hash, _is_a, _is_equivalent, _non_existent, _release, _request, _set_policy_override