Mapping SQL data types into Java
We need to provide reasonable Java mappings for the common SQL data types. We also need to make sure that we have enough type information so that we can correctly store and retrieve parameters and recover results from SQL statements.However, there is no particular reason that the Java data type needs to be exactly isomorphic to the SQL data type. For example, since Java has no fixed length arrays, we can represent both fixed length and variable length SQL arrays as variable length Java arrays. We also felt free to use Java Strings even though they don't precisely match any of the SQL CHAR types.
Table 2 shows the default Java mapping for various common SQL data types. Not all of these types will necessarily be supported by all databases. The various mappings are described more fully in the following sections.
SQL type Java Type CHAR String VARCHAR String LONGVARCHAR String NUMERIC java.math.BigDecimal DECIMAL java.math.BigDecimal BIT boolean TINYINT byte SMALLINT short INTEGER int BIGINT long REAL float FLOAT double DOUBLE double BINARY byte[] VARBINARY byte[] LONGVARBINARY byte[] DATE java.sql.Date TIME java.sql.Time TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp
Similarly table 3 shows the reverse mapping from Java types to SQL types.
Java Type SQL type String VARCHAR or LONGVARCHAR java.math.BigDecimal NUMERIC boolean BIT byte TINYINT short SMALLINT int INTEGER long BIGINT float REAL double DOUBLE byte[] VARBINARY or LONGVARBINARY java.sql.Date DATE java.sql.Time TIME java.sql.Timestamp TIMESTAMP
Dynamic data access
Some applications, for example generic browsers or query tools, are not compiled with knowledge of the database schema they will access, so JDBC also provides support for fully dynamically typed data access.
There is no need for Java programmers to distinguish among the three different flavours of SQL strings CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR. These can all be expressed identically in Java. It is possible to read and write the SQL correctly without needing to know the exact data type that was expected.These types could be mapped to either String or char[]. After considerable discussion we decided to use String, as this seemed the more appropriate type for normal use. Note that the Java String class provides a method for converting a String to a char[] and a constructor for turning a char[] into a String.
For fixed length SQL strings of type CHAR(n), the JDBC drivers will perform appropriate padding with spaces. Thus when a CHAR(n) field is retrieved from the database the resulting String will always be of length "n" and may include some padding spaces at the end. When a String is sent to a CHAR(n) field, the driver and/or the database will add any necessary padding spaces to the end of the String to bring it up to length "n".
The ResultSet.getString method allocates and returns a new String. This is suitable for retrieving normal data, but the LONGVARCHAR SQL type can be used to store multi-megabyte strings. We therefore needed to provide a way for Java programmers to retrieve a LONGVARCHAR value in chunks. We handle this by allowing programmers to retrieve a LONGVARCHAR as a Java input stream from which they can subsequently read data in whatever chunks they prefer. Java streams can be used for either Unicode or Ascii data, so the programmer may chose to use either getAsciiStream or getUnicodeStream.
The SQL DECIMAL and NUMERIC data types are used to express fixed point numbers where absolute precision is required. They are often used for currency values.These two types can be expressed identically in Java. The most convenient mapping uses the java.math.BigDecimal extended precision number type provided in JDK1.1
We also allow access to DECIMAL and NUMERIC as simple Strings and arrays of chars. Thus Java programmers can use getString to receive a NUMERIC or DECIMAL result.
There is no need for Java programmers to distinguish among the three different flavours of SQL byte arrays BINARY, VARBINARY, and LONGVARBINARY. These can all be expressed identically as byte arrays in Java. (It is possible to read and write the SQL correctly without needing to know the exact BINARY data type that was expected.)As with the LONGVARCHAR SQL type, the LONGVARBINARY SQL type can sometimes be used to return multi-megabyte data values. We therefore allow a LONGVARBINARY value to be retrieved as a Java input stream, from which programmers can subsequently read data in whatever chunks they prefer.
The SQL BIT type can be mapped directly to the Java boolean type.
The SQL TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER, and BIGINT types represent 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, and 64 bit values. These therefore can be mapped to Java's byte, short, int, and long data types.
SQL defines three floating point data types, REAL, FLOAT, and DOUBLE.We map REAL to Java float, and FLOAT and DOUBLE to Java double.
REAL is required to support 7 digits of mantissa precision. FLOAT and DOUBLE are required to support 15 digits of mantissa precision.
SQL defines three time related data types. DATE consists of day, month, and year. TIME consists of hours, minutes and seconds. TIMESTAMP combines DATE and TIME and also adds in a nanosecond field.There is a standard Java class java.util.Date that provides date and time information. However, this class doesn't perfectly match any of the three SQL types, as it includes both DATE and TIME information, but lacks the nanosecond granularity required for TIMESTAMP.
We therefore define three subclasses of java.util.Date. These are:
In the case of java.sql.Date the hour, minute, second, and milli-second fields of the java.util.Date base class are set to zero.
- java.sql.Date for SQL DATE information
- java.sql.Time for SQL TIME information
- java.sql.Timestamp for SQL TIMESTAMP information
In the case of java.sql.Time the year, month, and day fields of the java.util.Date base class are set to 1970, January, and 1, respectively. This is the "zero" date in the Java epoch.
The java.sql.Timestamp class extends java.util.Date by adding a nanosecond field.