
Use the webseal-cert-keyfile-sni stanza entry to configure WebSEAL to send a server certificate that contains a host name, which matches the host name in the initial browser request.

webseal-cert-keyfile-sni = <host_name>:<label>


This configuration has the following requirements:

Use the webseal-cert-keyfile-sni configuration entry to specify the certificate that WebSEAL sends for a particular host name.

We can specify this configuration entry multiple times. Specify a separate entry for each server certificate.

If WebSEAL does not find an entry for the host name in the browser request, WebSEAL sends the default certificate specified by the webseal-cert-keyfile-label entry. WebSEAL also uses the default certificate if the request does not meet the Server Name Indication requirements. For example, if the browser does not support Server Name Indication.


Usage: Optional

Default value None.


webseal-cert-keyfile-sni = hostA.abc.ibm.com:hostAcert
webseal-cert-keyfile-sni = vhostB.abc.ibm.com:vhostBcert

Parent topic: [ssl] stanza