
Specify attr_ID entries to modify the data type, the category, or both of a custom attribute.

attr_ID.datatype = data_type
attr_ID.category = category_name


Use the appropriate stanza entry syntax depending on if we want to set the data type or category of a custom attribute from the default values.



This stanza entry is not required.

The [user-attribute-definitions] stanza and the attr_ID entries apply only to Advanced Access Control.


The default value for data type is string.

The default value for category is Environment.

Example: Updating the data type for JSON data

If we defined a custom attribute in the [azn-decision-info] stanza as:

urn:example:company:txn:value = post-data:/"accountBalances"/"savings"

Then, we can set the data type of urn:example:company:txn:value to double using the following stanza and entry:

urn:example:company:txn:value.datatype = double

Example: Updating the category for form data

If we defined a custom attribute in the [azn-decision-info] stanza as:

urn:example:company:txn:userid = post-data:userid

Then, we can set the category of urn:example:company:txn:userid to Subject using the following stanza and entry:

urn:example:company:txn:userid.category = Subject

Parent topic: [user-attribute-definitions] stanza