
service-name = <servicename>


  1. Used by TFIM when searching for a matching trust chain. This configuration entry will be compared against the configured AppliesTo service name value for each trust chain. The second field within the AppliesTo service name configuration entry should be set to either asterisk (*) to match all service names, or it should be set to the value defined by this configuration item. See the TFIM documentation for further details on configuring Trust Chains.
  2. Used as the service principal name of the delegating user when creating a Kerberos token. The service principal name can be determined by executing the Microsoft utility setspn (that is, setspn -L user, where user is the identity of the user on the junctioned Web server).



This stanza entry is required when TFIM SSO authentication is used over junctions.

Default value

service-name = HTTP/

Parent topic: [tfimsso:<jct-id>] stanza