MIME_type = cache_type:cache_size:maximum_age
List of entries that define the caches which WebSEAL uses to store documents in memory.
MIME_type Any valid MIME type conveyed in an HTTP Content-Type: response header. This value may contain an asterisk to denote a wildcard ( * ). A value of */* represents a default object cache that holds any object that does not correspond to an explicitly configured cache. cache_type Defines the type of backing store to use for the cache. Only memory caches are supported. cache_size The maximum size, in kilobytes, to which the cache grows before objects are removed according to a least-recently-used algorithm. The minimum allowable value is 1 kilobyte. WebSEAL reports an error and fails to start if the value is less than or equal to zero (0). WebSEAL does not impose a maximum allowable value. def-max-age Specifies the maximum age (in seconds) if expiry information is missing from the original response. If no value is provided, a default maximum age of 3600 (one hour) will be applied. The configured default maximum age is only used when the cached response is missing the cache control headers: Cache-Control, Expires, and Last-Modified. If only Last-Modified is present, the maximum age will be calculated as ten percent of the difference between the current time and the last-modified time.
Usage: Optional
Default value None.
text/html = memory:2000:3600 # image/* = memory:5000:3600 # */* = memory:1000:3600
Parent topic: [content-cache] stanza