Use the application stanza entry to enable specific embedded applications and associate these applications with a URI path.
app-name = app-path
Entries in this stanza map an embedded application to a URI path segment. The path should include a single path segment (i.e. should not contain a '/' character), which is relative to the root of the local junction (the root of the local junction is usually '/'). Available applications include:
azn-decision A REST API which can be used to evaluate authorization decisions. cred-viewer An API used to return a JSON representation of the local user credential. jwks An API which returns the public keys contained in the key database used for junction communication. The response data will conform to RFC 7517.
app-name The name of the application. Possible values include: azn-decision, cred-viewer. app-path The path segment, relative to the root of the local junction, which will be used for this application.
Usage: Optional
Default value: None.
Parent topic: [local-apps] stanza