
Use the user-agent stanza entry to configure the category name that WebSEAL uses for a particular user-agent string in the HTTP Request header when it categorizes the incoming requests.

user-agent = pattern


When WebSEAL records flow data statistics, it can use the user-agent string in the HTTP Request header to categorize the incoming requests. Categorizing requests based on the user-agent can make the statistical data more useful.

Use this stanza to specify a list of category names and patterns for the user-agent strings to match. We can repeat a category so that multiple patterns match a single category. The patterns are evaluated in the order of their definition. WebSEAL selects the first match to categorize each request. The stanza must always end with an entry that contains the match-all pattern *.


Usage: Optional

Default: None.


In this example, both Android and iOS user-agent strings match the MOBILE category. WebSEAL uses the SUNDRY category if a user-agent string does not match any of the other defined patterns.

FIREFOX = *firefox*
CHROME = *chrome*
MOBILE = *android*
MOBILE = *ios*

Parent topic: [user-agent] stanza