Control whether unauthenticated users can access junctions that were created with the -b supply option.
allow-unauth-ba-supply = {yes|no}
This parameter determines access to -b supply junctions by unauthenticated users. By default, unauthenticated users are required to log in before they can access any resource on a junctioned server, where that junction was created with the -b supply argument.
yes When allow-unauth-ba-supply is set to yes, unauthenticated users can access -b supply junctions. The basic authentication header that is supplied by WebSEAL in the forwarded request contains the string unauthenticated for the value of the header. no When allow-unauth-ba-supply is set to no, unauthenticated users cannot access -b supply junctions. Users receive a login prompt.
Usage: Required.
Default: no
Example: allow-unauth-ba-supply = no