Specify network-based access restrictions

About this task

IBM Security Verify Access supports an optional protected object policy (POP) configuration setting that enables the application of authentication strength levels to client requests originating from specified network addresses. The network addresses can be defined as either a single IP address, or as a range of IP addresses. In most deployments, user access is not restricted based on the IP address within POPs. In most deployments, this configuration section can be skipped. The pdadmin pop modify set ipauth command is used to specify IP addresses. Note that this is the same pdadmin command used to specify authentication levels. The default usage of pdadmin pop modify set ipauth does not impose any network-based access restrictions. This usage consists of specifying the command line argument anyothernw as the value for the IP Endpoint Authentication Method Policy attribute. This setting applies to all user access, regardless of the IP address of the requestor, and requires all users to authenticate at the specified level.

For example, in creating a protected object policy, the following command created a POP that required all users to authenticate at authentication level 1, and did not impose any network-based access requirements. The option anyothernw means any other network address, and the option forbidden enforces the denial policy.


The following network-based access restrictions can be applied:

Parent topic: Authentication strength policy (step-up)