Enable certificate authentication

Certificate authentication is disabled by default. To enable certificate authentication:

Edit the WebSEAL configuration file. In the [certificate] stanza, specify a value to the accept-client-certs stanza entry that instructs WebSEAL on how to handle client-side certificate authentication requests. The following table provides the valid values:

Configuration Description
accept-client-certs = optional Client can optionally use certificate-based authentication.

WebSEAL asks clients for an X.509 certificate. If the user supplies a certificate, certificate-based authentication is used.

accept-client-certs = required Client must use certificate-based authentication.

WebSEAL asks clients for an X.509 certificate. If the user does not present a certificate, WebSEAL does not allow a connection.

accept-client-certs = prompt_as_needed The user is not required to authenticate with a certificate at session start-up. The user can later initiate certificate authentication.

This setting enables delayed certificate authentication mode.

For example, to prompt users for a client-side certificate only when the user encounters a resource that requires certificate authentication, enter:

This setting is used when implementing an authentication strength policy (step-up) for certificate authentication. The Chrome browser does not support the renegotiation of an SSL session which causes the prompt_as_needed configuration entry to not function correctly. Additional configuration is required to allow prompt_as_needed to work with all browsers.

The configuration parameter, secondary-port, must be set in the [certificate] stanza. This modifies the behavior of accept-client-certs = prompt_as_needed to post the certificate login to a secondary interface listening on this port.

A secondary interface must be configured for the secondary-port specified and accept-client-certs=required set for the secondary interface. The following example configuration uses the secondary-port method:

https = yes
https-port = 443
network-interface =

webseal-cert-keyfile-label = WebSEAL-Test-Only

accept-client-certs = prompt_as_needed
secondary-port = 444

interface1 = network-interface=;https-port=444;certificate-label=WebSEAL-Test-Only;accept-client-certs=required;always-neg-tls=yes;use-secondary-listener=yes

A small modification was made to the behavior of interfaces configured with "accept-client-certs=required"

Parent topic: Client-side certificate authentication