Enable automatic redirection
To configure automatic redirection:
- Open the WebSEAL configuration file for editing.
- Enable automatic redirection for each of the applicable authentication methods by uncommenting the entry for each method in the [enable-redirects] stanza:
redirect = forms-auth
redirect = basic-auth
redirect = cert-auth
redirect = ext-auth-interface
redirect = oidcThe example above enables automatic redirection for forms authentication, basic authentication, certificate authentication, and EAI authentication.
- Specify the URL to which the user is redirected after login. The URL can be expressed as either an absolute URL or a server-relative URL, with or without an embedded macro. For example:
login-redirect-page = http://www.ibm.com...or...
login-redirect-page = /jct/intro-page.htmlor:
login-redirect-page = /jct/intro-page.html?level=%AUTHNLEVEL%&url=%URL%
- Stop and restart the WebSEAL server.
Parent topic: Automatic redirection after authentication