Configure token consume functionality on the receiving server

The following configuration steps are explained in detail in the remaining sections of this e-community chapter division.


  1. Enable e-community authentication to process single signon requests by communication type (e-community-sso-auth).

  2. Specify the unifying name of the e-community for all participating servers (e-community-name).
  3. Configure the built-in single signon token consume module (sso-consume).
  4. Assign the appropriate key file ([e-community-domain-keys] stanza).
  5. Configure the token label used in the vouch-for reply (vf-argument).

  6. Specify that this server is not the MAS (is-master-authn-server).

  7. Specify the vouch-for URL used in the vouch-for request (vf-url).
  8. Configure token and e-community cookie lifetime values (vf-token-lifetime and ec-cookie-lifetime).

Parent topic: E-community configuration summary