Configure the rewrite-absolute-with-absolute option

WebSEAL normally filters absolute URLs by adding the junction point and changing the format to a server-relative expression. This rule for filtering absolute URLs applies to tag-based filtering and script filtering. We can optionally configure WebSEAL to rewrite the original absolute URL as an absolute URL, instead of a relative URL.

To enable this type of filtering, set the value of the rewrite-absolute-with-absolute stanza entry in the [script-filtering] stanza of the WebSEAL configuration file to equal "yes":

When rewrite-absolute-with-absolute is enabled, the following example URL in a response from a back-end server (connected to WebSEAL through jctA): modified as follows:

Enable rewrite-absolute-with-absolute affects both tag-based filtering and script filtering. See:

Parent topic: Modification of URLs in responses