Configure data compression policy
Edit the WebSEAL configuration file to specify data compression policy for communication between WebSEAL and client browsers.
- Log in to the local management interface.
- Select Web > Manage > Reverse Proxy.
- Select your instance.
- Select Manage > Configuration > Edit Configuration File.
- Specify each MIME-type for which a data compression policy applies. Assign a value that enforces the policy.
mime_type = minimum_doc_sizeThe default setting leaves all data uncompressed:
[compress-mime-types] */* = -1
- Specify each type of user agent (browser) for which a data compression policy applies. Enable data compression by assigning the value yes. Disable data compression by assigning the value no.
user_agent = {yes|no}No entries are set by default. When no entry matches the user-agent's accept-encoding header, the value in the accept-encoding header is allowed. See the [compress-user-agents] stanza in the web reverse proxy Stanza Reference topics in the IBM Knowledge Center.
- Optional: Specify compression policies in POPs, and apply the POPs to the appropriate objects in the protected object space. For information, see Compression policy in POPs.
Parent topic: HTTP data compression