Configure data compression policy

Edit the WebSEAL configuration file to specify data compression policy for communication between WebSEAL and client browsers.


  1. Log in to the local management interface.

  2. Select Web > Manage > Reverse Proxy.

  3. Select your instance.

  4. Select Manage > Configuration > Edit Configuration File.

  5. Specify each MIME-type for which a data compression policy applies. Assign a value that enforces the policy.

    The default setting leaves all data uncompressed:

  6. Specify each type of user agent (browser) for which a data compression policy applies. Enable data compression by assigning the value yes. Disable data compression by assigning the value no.

    No entries are set by default. When no entry matches the user-agent's accept-encoding header, the value in the accept-encoding header is allowed. See the [compress-user-agents] stanza in the web reverse proxy Stanza Reference topics in the IBM Knowledge Center.

  7. Optional: Specify compression policies in POPs, and apply the POPs to the appropriate objects in the protected object space. For information, see Compression policy in POPs.

Parent topic: HTTP data compression