Valid session data types and authentication methods

Different session data types and authentication methods are valid depending on whether the session is for a Multiplexing proxy agent (MPA) or a client.

The following table lists the valid session types for the MPA and the client:

Session Types MPA-to-WebSEAL Client-to-WebSEAL
SSL Session ID Yes Not valid
HTTP Header Yes Yes
IP Address Yes Not valid
Session Cookie Yes Yes

The session data type used by the MPA to WebSEAL must be distinct from the session data type used by the client to WebSEAL. As an example, if the MPA uses a session cookie for the session data type, the client must use the HTTP Header session data type.

The following table lists the valid authentication methods for the MPA and the client:

Authentication Types MPA-to-WebSEAL Client-to-WebSEAL
Basic authentication Yes Yes
Forms authentication Yes Yes
Certificate Yes Not valid
External authentication interface Yes Not valid

The authentication method used by the MPA to WebSEAL must be distinct from the authentication method used by the client to WebSEAL. As an example, if the MPA uses basic authentication, the client must use forms authentication.

Parent topic: Multiplexing proxy agents