Password strength validation rule language

Extensible Style Language (XSL) specifies rules. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the language for the data. It forms an input to the rules. The combination of XML and XSL provides a platform-independent method of expressing both the inputs to the rules evaluator and the rules themselves.

XML expresses complex data types in a structured and standard manner in text format. Using this text format, we can write processing rules for the XML data that are independent of operating systems and programming languages.

XSL is a functional style sheet language that can accomplish simple or complex tasks. XSL possesses an inherent ability to analyze and evaluate XML data, which is becoming the standard for data representation. XSL is built on other XML-based standards, such as XPath, which is the expression language at the core of a password strength validation rule.

To implement the password strength validation rules, it is necessary to impose some constraints on the XSL rules. The output of the rule evaluation must conform to one of a known set of result strings. For information about the format and constraints of password strength validation rules, see Format and constraints of rules.

Parent topic: Password strength