LTPA single signon overview
Single signon solutions across junctions describes how WebSphere provides single sign-on to junctioned servers using lightweight third-party authentication mechanism (LTPA). LTPA version 2 can also be used to provide single signon to peer servers.
When WebSEAL is positioned within an environment with other authentication enabled servers (e.g. DataPower®) there are many potential login point. To achieve a single signon solution to one or more WebSphere or DataPower servers we can configure WebSEAL to accept and generate LTPA cookies.
When a user makes a request for a WebSEAL protected resource, the user must first authenticate to WebSEAL. After successful authentication, WebSEAL generates an LTPA cookie on behalf of the user. The LTPA cookie, which serves as an authentication token, contains the user identity, key and token data, buffer length, and expiration information. This information is encrypted using a secret key shared between WebSEAL and the other LTPA-enabled servers.
WebSEAL inserts the cookie in the HTTP response which is sent back to the client. The LTPA enabled server receives this cookie upon the next request, decrypts the cookie, and authenticates the user based on the identity information supplied in the cookie.
WebSEAL only supports LTPA version 2 (LtpaToken2) cookies.
Parent topic: LTPA single signon