
Lists the current version ISAM components that are installed on the system.

pdversion [-key key1, key2...keyX] [-separator delimiter_character]


The version information for the various blades shows up when the blade packages are installed on the system. The following components are basic components:

The following components are blades:


This utility is in one of the following default installation directories:

  • On Windows operating systems:
    C:\Program Files\Tivoli\Policy Director\bin

    When an installation directory other than the default is selected, this utility is in the /bin directory under the installation directory (for example, installation directory/bin).

    Return codes

      The utility completed successfully.

      The utility failed. When a utility fails, a description of the error and an error status code in hexadecimal format is provided (for example, 0x15c3a00c). See the Messages topics in the Knowledge Center for more information.

    Parent topic: Serviceability commands