Receiving HPDRG0100E for Active Directory operations
During Security Verify Access configuration, we might receive the following HPDRG0100E error message:
HPDRG0100E The operation in the Active Directory registry for operation_id failed with return error nnnnnnnn.
This message is issued when an Active Directory error cannot be resolved during configuration. Use the following problem determination suggestions to resolve this error before you restart configuration.
- An error message HPDRG0100E similar to the following content refers to a schema write failure:
HPDRG0100E The operation in the Active Directory registry for adschema_update.exe: ADSCHEMA_SET_SCHEMA_WRITE failed with return error 35.
For this case, ensure the Remote Registry Windows service is running on the root Active Directory domain controller system. During configuration, the Active Directory schema is updated, which requires the Remote Registry Windows service to be running. If the service is not running, start the service and complete configuration. We can stop the service after the configuration is finished.
- If the HPDRG0100E error message contains an 8-digit return code that begins with 8007, use the Microsoft net helpmsg command to display relevant help text. Convert the last four digits (digits that are nnnn of the return code of the form 8007nnnn) from hexadecimal format to decimal format and issue the command by using decimal format for the last four digits of the return code:
net helpmsg nnnn
- Pursue the problem with Microsoft support by using the Active Directory return code value provided in the HPDRG0100E error message.
After you resolve the cause of this error, we can restart the configuration operation.
Parent topic: Active Directory common problems