Power Supply Replacement Instructions

This document helps us to complete the following tasks:

Best practice: Replace a failed power supply as soon as possible. Important: Before you proceed with these instructions, review the IBM Systems Safety Notices provided in the IBM Media Terms and Conditions CD included with the appliance model. The illustrations in this document might differ slightly from the appliance model.

Supported appliances

The instructions in this document support IBM Security Verify Access (IBM Part Number: 01LK905). Caution CAUTION:The power control button on the device and the power switch on the power supply do not turn off the electrical current supplied to the device. The device also might have more than one power cord. To remove all current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source. Caution power cord CautionCAUTION:Never remove the cover on a power supply or any part that has the following label attached. Caution screw driverHazardous voltage, current, and energy levels are present inside any component that has this label attached. There are no serviceable parts inside these components. If you suspect a problem with one of these parts, contact a service technician.

Parent topic: ISAM appliance FRU/CRU documentation