Customize reverse proxy instance configuration

Customize reverse proxy instance configuration for REST API clients.

  1. In the local management interface, go to Web > Reverse Proxy.

  2. Select inst1.

  3. Select Manage > Configuration > Edit Configuration File.
  4. Disable oautheas.
    eas-enabled = false

  5. Enable oauthauth

  6. Enable managed cookies for the /mgaapi junction. Add the following stanza and entries at the end of the configuration file:
    managed-cookies-list = *JSESSIONID*,PD_*

  7. Enable authentication obligations to trigger /mgaapi/sps/apiauthsvc.
    urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:* = /mgaapi/sps/apiauthsvc
    Existing entries can be commented out.
  8. Enable local redirects for authentication server URLs and CBA protected resources.
    maximumfollowredirects = 4
    follow-redirects-for = !REPLAY!
    follow-redirects-for = GET /mgaapi/sps/apiauthsvc*
    follow-redirects-for = PUT /mgaapi/sps/apiauthsvc*
    follow-redirects-for = GET /demo/mobile-demo/rba*

  9. Click Save.

  10. Deploy and commit the changes.

Parent topic: Example combining CBA, Authentication Service Framework, and OAuth