Create API Protection OAuth definitions and clients

Create API Protection OAuth definitions and clients. Then, attach them to the /demo junction.

  1. In the local management interface, go to AAC > API Protection.
  2. Create a definition named MyOAuthDemo.
  3. Enable Resource Owner Username Password grant type. Leave the remaining settings as defaults.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Clients.
  6. Click the new client icon.
  7. Set the Client ID value as mytestclient.
  8. Set the API Definition value as MyOAuthDemo.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Deploy and commit the changes.
  11. Click Resources.
  12. Attach the MyOAuthDemo definition to the /demo resource.
  13. Publish, deploy, and commit the changes.

Parent topic: Example combining CBA, Authentication Service Framework, and OAuth