
This interface provides an iterator for lists of user and group IDs.

Depending on the RgyRegistry method that returns the RgyIterator instance, the group IDs are either Security Verify Access IDs or native IDs. Methods in the RgyIterator interface:


Returns the Boolean value true if another ID is available.

This method generates SizeLimitExceededRgyException if more results are available than those specified in maxResults when the RgyIterator was constructed, or the Registry Server is configured to allow. This exception occurs on the call after returning the last available ID. Prototype:

boolean hasNext() throws RgyException;


Returns the next available ID. Prototype:

String next() throws RgyException;


Stops the iteration.

If RgyIterator does not throw an exception or hasNext() does not return false and the caller has finished using the RgyIterator instance, call close() immediately to release any used resource. Each open RgyIterator instance opens a connection to the native registry.

The Registry Direct Java API limits the number of open RgyIterator to restrict the number of simultaneous connections. When the maximum limit is reached, instantiating new RgyIterator is not possible until at least one of the existing connections is closed. Prototype:

void close();

Parent topic: Published API