Stand-alone configuration
To use the authz.enable-authorization option in the Registry Direct API, a PDAuthorizationContext instance from the ISAM Java API must be used. In such a case, it is better to use SvrSslCfg.
The configuration tool RgyConfig is provided in the JAR file along with the new API. The usage is as follows:
java com.tivoli.pd.rgy.util.RgyConfig <file> <command> [options] <file> configuration properties file path name <command> is one of: create <mgmt_domain> <local_domain> <ldap.svrs> <ldap.bind_dn> <ldap.bind_pwd> [<ldap.ssl_truststore> <ldap.ssl_truststore_pwd> load <input properties file> set <name> <value> remove <name> get <name> listThe usage for a non-SSL example is:
java com.tivoli.pd.rgy.util.RgyConfig /tmp/ create Default Default "ldaphostname:389:readwrite:5" "cn=testapi,o=ibm,c=us" passw0rd
After creating the properties file, we can manipulate the additional properties. The example to set ldap.enable-last-login property is as follows:
java com.tivoli.pd.rgy.util.RgyConfig /tmp/ set ldap.
enable-last-login trueWhen we use the RgyConfig tool, we must manually create the server identity. Ensure the ISAM subdomains include the server identity in the remote-acl-users group ISAM management domain. If ISAM domain is not the default domain, the following additional steps are needed.
- Create a file groupmodify.ldif with the following contents:
dn: cn=remote-acl-users,cn=SecurityGroups,secAuthority=Default changetype: modify add: member member: cn=testapp/tam611,cn=SecurityDaemons,secAuthority=testdom, cn=Subdomains,secAuthority=DefaultWhere member is the LDAP DN of your application. This value is provided as ldap.bind_dnargument to java com.tivoli.pd.rgy.util.RgyConfig. Alternately, we determines this value from ldap.bind-dn stored in the generated properties file.
- Update LDAP by using ldapmodify command.
ldapmodify -p 389 -h localhost -D "cn=root" -w passw0rd -f groupmodify.ldif
Replace localhost and passw0rd with values appropriate for your setup.
We do not have to install or configure IBM Security Verify Access to use the new API in stand-alone mode.
Parent topic: Configuration