Set the notification wait time

There is a time delay between when the policy server updates the master authorization database and when notification is sent to database replicas.

If we added the auto-database-update-notify = yes stanza entry to the ivmgrd.conf file as described in Notifying replica databases automatically, we can set this period.

To do so, edit the notifier-wait-time stanza entry value in the ivmgrd.conf file. For example, if we are making batch changes to the master authorization database, wait until all changes are finished before policy changes are sent to database replicas. As a result, we might decide to increase the default value from 15 seconds to 25 seconds as shown:

By editing the value for this attribute, the policy server is prevented from sending individual replica notifications for each of a series of database changes.

Parent topic: Notifying replica databases when the master authorization database is updated