Administer resource credentials

A resource credential provides a user ID and password for a single sign-on user-specific resource, such as a Web server or a group of Web servers. The Web resource or group of Web resources must exist before we can apply resource credentials to it.

Resource credential information is stored in the ISAM entry in the user registry.

We can use the administration API to create, modify, examine, and delete resource credentials.

Table 1 lists the methods for administering credentials.

Methods Description
PDSSOCred.createSSOCred Create a single sign-on credential.
PDSSOCred.deleteSSOCred Delete a single sign-on credential.
PDSSOCred constructor the specified single sign-on credential.
PDSSOCred object.getResourceName Returns the name of the single sign-on resource associated with this credential.
PDSSOCred object.getResourcePassword Returns the password associated with this single sign-on credential.
PDSSOCred object.getResourceUser Returns the name of the resource user associated with the specified single sign-on credential.
PDSSOCred object.getResourceType Returns the type of the single sign-on resource associated with the specified single sign-on credential.
PDSSOCred object.getUser Returns the name of the ISAM user associated with this single sign-on credential.
PDSSOCred.listAndShowSSOCreds Returns the list of single sign-on credentials for the specified user.
PDSSOCred.listSSOCreds Returns the IDs (user, resource, and type) of the single sign-on credentials for the specified user. This information is a subset of that returned by the listAndShowSSOCreds method.
PDSSOCred object.setSSOCred
Modify a single sign-on credential.

For detailed reference information about these methods, see the Javadoc HTML documentation.

Parent topic: Administer single sign-on resources