Administer extended attributes for a protected object

The extended attributes for a protected object can be created, set, queried, and deleted.

Protected objects without explicitly defined extended attributes inherit the first found set of extended attributes, which are defined at the parent object within the inheritance chain. The found set of extended attributes replaces the empty set of defined attributes. These inherited attributes are called effective extended attributes.

Table 1 describes the methods for administering extended attributes and effective extended attributes for a protected object.

Methods Description
PDProtObject object.deleteAttribute
Delete the specified extended attribute (name and values) from the specified protected object.
PDProtObject object.deleteAttributeValue
Delete the specified value from the specified extended attribute key in the specified protected object.
PDProtObject.getEffectiveAttributeValues Display a list of the values for the effective extended attribute associated with the specified protected object.
PDProtObject.getEffectiveAttributeNames Display a list of all the effective extended attributes associated with the specified protected object.
PDProtObject.getEffectiveAttributeObjectId Display the name of the protected object that has the extended attributes defined. When no extended attributes are defined, NULL is returned.
PDProtObject object.getAttributeValues Returns the values associated with the specified extended attribute for the specified protected object.
PDProtObject object.getAttributeNames List all the extended attributes associated with the specified protected object.
PDProtObject object.setAttributeValue
Create an extended attribute with the specified name and value, if it does not exist, and adds the attribute to the specified protected object. If the attribute specified exists, the specified value is added to the existing attribute.

For detailed reference information about these methods, see the Javadoc HTML documentation.

Parent topic: Administer protected objects and protected object spaces