Administer extended actions
Security Verify Access provides a default set of actions (permissions) that belong to the primary action group that can be granted to users or groups. We can use the administration API to define new, extended actions that supplement the set of default actions. Each of the extended actions can belong to the primary action group or to a custom action group.
Extended actions are typically defined to support actions specific to a third-party application. For more information about extended actions, see the section about creating extended ACL actions and action groups in the IBM Security Verify Access for Web: Administration Guide.
Table 1 lists the methods for administering extended actions.
Methods Description PDAction.createAction Define a new action (permission) in the specified action group. PDAction.deleteAction Delete an action (permission) from the specified action group. PDAction constructor Get the specified PDAction object. PDAction object.getDescription Returns the description for the specified action. PDAction object.getId Returns the name for the specified action. PDAction object.getType Returns the type for the specified action. PDAction.listActions List all the defined actions (permissions) for the specified action group. For detailed reference information about these methods, see the Javadoc HTML documentation.
Parent topic: Administer access control