Administer user password policies
We can manage user access by setting password attributes. We can specify policies that apply either only to a single user or for all users.
When a user password policy attribute is set to a value and enforced, the value always takes precedence over the value set for the general policy. This is true regardless of which value is more restrictive. If a password policy attribute for a user is not enforced, then the value is set for the general policy, if that value is set and enforced, is in effect for the user.
Table 1 describes the administration API methods that used to modify or access password policies.
Method Description PDPolicy constructor Instantiates a policy object for a user, or for all users in the case of the global policy. PDPolicy object.getMaxPwdAge Returns the password expiration date. PDPolicy object.getMaxPwdRepChars Returns the maximum number of repeated characters allowed in the password. PDPolicy object.getMinPwdAlphas Returns the minimum number of alphabetic characters allowed in the password. PDPolicy object.getMinPwdLen Returns the minimum password length. PDPolicy object.getMinPwdNonAlphas Returns the minimum number of nonalphabetic characters allowed in a password. PDPolicy object.maxPwdAgeEnforced Returns an indicator Whether the maximum password age policy is enforced. PDPolicy object.maxPwdRepCharsEnforced Returns an indicator Whether the password maximum repeated characters policy is enforced. PDPolicy object.minPwdAlphasEnforced Returns an indicator Whether the password minimum alphabetic characters required policy is enforced. PDPolicy object.minPwdLenEnforced Returns an indicator Whether the minimum password length policy is enforced. PDPolicy object.minPwdNonAlphasEnforced Returns an indicator Whether the password minimum non-alphabetic characters policy is enforced. PDPolicy object.pwdSpacesAllowed Returns an indicator Whether spaces are allowed in a password. PDPolicy.setMaxPwdAge
PDPolicy object.setMaxPwdAgeSets the password expiration date. PDPolicy.setMaxPwdRepChars
PDPolicy object.setMaxPwdRepCharsSet the maximum number of repeated characters allowed in a password. PDPolicy.setMinPwdAlphas
PDPolicy object.setMinPwdAlphasSet the minimum number of alphabetic characters allowed in a password. PDPolicy.setMinPwdLen
PDPolicy object.setMinPwdLenSet the minimum password length. PDPolicy.setMinPwdNonAlphas
PDPolicy object.setMinPwdNonAlphasSet the minimum number of non-alphabetic characters allowed in a password. PDPolicy.setPwdSpacesAllowed
PDPolicy object.setPwdSpacesAllowedSets policy for Whether spaces are allowed in a password.
For detailed reference information about these methods, see the Javadoc HTML documentation.
Parent topic: Administer users and groups