Administer user information
The administration API allows us to administer the information associated with an ISAM user.
When a user account has been created in the user registry, we can set and get various information about the user. We must create a security context between the calling application and the ISAM policy server before we can access the user registry. We can obtain the user registry information for a user object by specifying either the ISAM user name or the user registry name.
Table 1 lists the methods available for administering user information.
Methods Description PDUser constructor Instantiates a user object for the specified Security Verify Access or user registry name. PDUser object.getDescription Returns the user description. PDUser object.getRgyName Returns the user registry name for the user. PDUser object.getId Returns the name of the object. PDUser object.getFirstName Returns the first-name attribute for the user. PDUser object.getLastName Returns the last-name attribute for the user. PDUSer object.getLastLogin Returns the last login time. PDUser object.getPolicy Returns the password and account policy settings associated with the user. PDUser object.getGroups List the groups in which the user is a member. PDUser object.isAccountValid Returns the account-valid indicator for the user. PDUser object.isPDUser Returns an indicator Whether the user is an ISAM user. PDUser object.isSSOUser Returns an indicator Whether the user has single sign-on capabilities. PDUser.setDescription
PDUser object.set DescriptionSets a user description. PDUser.setAccountValid
PDUser object.setAccountValidEnable or disable a user account. PDUser.setSSOUser
PDUser object.setSSOUserEnable or disable the single signon capabilities of a user. PDUser object.isPasswordValid Returns the enabled indicator for the user password. PDUser.setPassword
PDUser object.setPasswordSets a user password. PDUser.setPasswordValid
PDUser object.setPasswordValidEnable or disable a user password.
For detailed reference information about these methods, see the Javadoc HTML documentation.
Parent topic: Administer users and groups