Redirecting the policy server to the proxy

To retarget the ISAM policy server system to the proxy, edit the policy server ldap.conf and pd.conf configuration files.


  1. Log in the local management interface.
  2. Select Web > Manage > Runtime Component.
  3. Click Manage > Configuration Files.
  4. Select ldap.conf.
  5. Specify the host name and port number of the proxy server.
    • ldap host proxy_hostname
    • ldap port proxy_port
  6. Click Save. If we do not want to save the changes, click Cancel. To revert to the previous version of the configuration file, click Revert.
  7. Click Manage > Configuration Files.
  8. Select pd.conf.
  9. Specify the host name and port number of the proxy server.
    • pdrte user-reg-server proxy_hostname
    • pdrte user-reg-host proxy_hostname
    • pdrte user-reg-hostportproxy_port
  10. Click Save. If we do not want to save the changes, click Cancel. To revert to the previous version of the configuration file, click Revert.

Parent topic: Security Verify Access configuration with the proxy