Push notification registration

ISAM supports push notifications on both iOS and Android platforms. It can also be configured to send push notifications to the IBM Verify application.

To issue a notification to a client device, a specific payload must be generated and sent to the push notification service of the device's platform (Apple Push Notification Service, Firebase Cloud Messaging, or Push for IBM Verify). This notification request requires a form of authentication and authorization. To establish a trusted connection, Apple Push Notification Service requires a provider certificate, Firebase Cloud Messaging requires a server (API) key, and Push for IBM Verify requires configuration of authentication credentials.

As an administrator, we must register such forms of authentication for your authenticator applications to successfully deliver push notifications to clients on demand. Such registration can be done through either the local management interface or the RESTful API. For details about how to register push notification endpoints through the RESTful API, see the RESTful API documentation. For certificate-based push notification registration, use a specific SSL certificate database for this purpose and import all required certificates to the SSL certificate database before registration.


  1. Log in to the local management interface.
  2. Click AAC.
  3. Under Manage, click Push Notification Providers.
    Add a push notification provider
    1. Click Add.
    2. Provide values for the displayed fields.
      Mobile Platform
      Specifies whether the push notification is for iOS or Android platform.
      Application ID
      Identifier of the application.
      Push Provider Host
      Host name to be used to connect to the push service provider. The value can include port number, for example, fcm.googleapis.com:443.
      Push Provider
      Select the provider for your push notifications. The available options are Firebase (Google's push notification provider), Apple (Apple's push notification service), or Push for IBM Verify.
      Server Key
      If Android Application is selected in the Mobile Platform field or Firebase is selected as the Push Provider when iOS Application is selected in the Mobile Platform field, then this text field becomes available to enter the Server API Key to be used for authentication.
      Certificate Store
      If iOS Application is selected in the Mobile Platform field and Apple is selected as the Push Provider, then this field becomes available to select the certificate store on the appliance containing certificate to be used to authenticate to the Apple push notification service.
      Certificate Label
      If iOS Application is selected in the Mobile Platform field and Apple is selected as the Push Provider, then this field becomes available to select the certificate to be used to authenticate to the Apple push notification service.
    3. Click Save.

    4. Deploy the changes.
    Modifying a push notification provider
    1. Select the push notification provider to be modified.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. Change the settings as needed.
    4. Click Save.

    5. Deploy the changes.

Parent topic: Authentication