Configure an End-User License Agreement authentication mechanism

The End-User License Agreement authentication mechanism prompts the user to accept an End-User License Agreement (EULA) during an authentication flow.

Configure the End-User License Agreement and the corresponding properties to determine when the mechanism will show the license agreement. When you accept the license, the date that you last accepted the license file is stored.


  1. Log in to the local management interface.

  2. Click AAC.

  3. Under Policy, click Authentication.

  4. Click Mechanisms.

  5. Click End-User License Agreement.

  6. Click Modify.

  7. Click the Properties tab.

    1. Select a property to configure.

    2. Click Modify.

    3. Enter the value for that property.

    4. Click OK.

  8. Take note of the properties for the mechanism.

      Accept If Last Accepted Date Before

      If the date the user last accepted the license is before this date, the mechanism requires the user to accept the license again.

      Data type: Date

      There is not a default value.

      Valid values: A date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD

      Always Show License

      Set this option to true so the mechanism always prompts the user to accept the license file.

      Data type: Boolean

      Default value: false

      License File

      Path to the license template file to display for the End-User License Agreement. The path to the license file is relative to the locale in the template tree. For information about how to update the license and add additional license files, see Template files and Template file macros

      Data type: String

      Default value: /authsvc/authenticator/eula/license.txt

      License Renewal Term

      Specify the number of days until the user must accept the license again. When we specify a value that is less than 1, there is not a renewal term. This property compares the date the user last accepted the license to the current date. The software then determines the number of days since the user last accepted the license.

      Data type: String

      Default value: 0

  9. Click Save.

What to do next

When configuring the mechanism, a message indicates that changes are not deployed. Deploy them. See Deploying pending changes.

Parent topic: Authentication

Related reference