Configure an OpenID Connect Relying Party federation

We can use the Federation page, in the local management interface, to configure an OpenID Connect Relying Party federation.


  1. Log in to the local management console.

  2. Select Federation > Manage > Federations.

  3. Click Add.

  4. On the Federation Protocol page, enter a Federation Name and select OpenID Connect Relying Party. Do not select Legacy OpenID Connect (Provider or Relying Party). This selection is used only for maintaining existing legacy deployments of OpenID Connect federations. For information on configuring legacy federations, see Configure a legacy relying party federation.
  5. Supply values for the configuration properties as prompted on each page by the configuration wizard.

    For information on properties, see OpenID Connect Relying Party federation properties.

  6. When we have completed the wizard pages, review the Summary page, and click OK.

  7. Deploy the pending changes. The deploy operation triggers a runtime restart.

Parent topic: OpenID Connect Relying Party federations