Template file macros (AAC)
Most template pages contain one or more macros. The macros are replaced by values specific to the action that is requested on the page.
Macro Value that replaces the macro @CLIENT_ID@ Client_id parameter specified in the authorization request. @CONSENT_FORM_VERIFIER@ A unique identifier for the consent_form_verifier parameter value. The value is automatically generated by the authorization server. Do not modify the parameter name or value. @DETAIL@ The error message. @ERROR_CODE@ Characters that uniquely identify the error. @ERROR_DESCRIPTION@ The native language support (NLS) text of the error message associated with the error. @ERROR_MESSAGE@ An error message that is specific to the action in the page. For example, on the One-time password template page for login, the error message indicates the password submitted contains errors, such as the password is not valid or has expired. @EXCEPTION_MSG@ The exception message. @EXCEPTION_STACK@ The stack trace of the error. @GRACE_PERIOD_AUTH_COUNT@ The amount of grace-period authentication. @LICENSE@ Contents of the license file. @LICENSE_FILE@ The name of the license file. @LICENSE_METADATA@ The metadata that is either:
- Defined in the license file.
- Not Available if it is not defined.
@MAPPING_RULE_DATA@ If the submitted one-time password contains an error, this value is the STS Universal User context attribute with the name @MAPPING_RULE_DATA@ and is type otp.sts.macro.type. This context attribute can be set in the OTPVerify mapping rule. @MAX_GRACE_PERIOD_AUTH_COUNT@ The maximum count of grace-period authentication that is allotted to a policy. @MAX_STORED_QUESTIONS@ The maximum number of answers that can be stored per user. @NUM_REQUIRED_ANSWERS@ The number of valid answers that is required for successful authentication. @NUM_REGISTERED_QUESTIONS@ The number of questions the user registered. @OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI@ The URI for the authorization endpoint. @OAUTH_CLIENT_COMPANY_NAME@ A multi-valued macro that belongs inside an [RPT trustedClients] repeatable replacement list. The values are replaced with the name of the company that requests access to the protected resource. @OAUTH_CLIENTMANAGERURL@ A multi-valued macro that belongs inside an [RPT trustedClients] repeatable replacement list. The values are replaced with the endpoint of the trusted clients manager. @OAUTH_CODE@ The oauth_code parameter specified in the authorization response. @OAUTH_CUSTOM_MACRO@ A multi-valued macro that belongs inside an [RPT trustedClients] repeatable replacement list. The values are replaced with trusted client information that contains additional information about an authorized OAuth client. @OAUTH_OTHER_PARAM_REPEAT@ A multi-valued macro that belongs inside an [RPT oauthOtherParamsRepeatable] repeatable replacement list. The values show the list of extra parameter names. @OAUTH_OTHER_PARAM_VALUE_REPEAT@ A multi-valued macro that belongs inside an [RPT oauthOtherParamsRepeatable] repeatable replacement list. The values show the list of extra parameter values. @OAUTH_TOKEN_SCOPE_REPEAT@ A multi-valued macro that belongs inside an [RPT oauthTokenScopePreapprovedRepeatable] or [RPT oauthTokenScopeNewApprovalRepeatable]repeatable replacement lists. The values inside the [RPT oauthTokenScopePreapprovedRepeatable] show the list of token scopes that have been previously approved by the resource owner. Alternatively, the values inside the [RPT oauthTokenScopeNewApprovalRepeatable] show the list of token scopes that have not yet been approved by the resource owner. @OTP_HINT@ The one-time password hint. The hint is a sequence of characters associated with the one-time password. @OTP_METHOD_CHECKED@ For the first method, this macro is replaced with an HTML radio button attribute that causes that radio button to be selected. For the remaining methods that generate, deliver, and verify one-time passwords, this macro is replaced with an empty string. @OTP_METHOD_ID@ The ID of the method for generating, delivering, and verifying the one-time password. This ID is generated by the OTPGetMethods mapping rule. @OTP_METHOD_LABEL@ The label of the method for generating, delivering, and verifying the one-time password. This label is generated by the OTPGetMethods mapping rule. @OTP_METHOD_TYPE@ The type of the currently selected method for generating, delivering, and verifying the one-time password. This type is generated by the OTPGetMethods mapping rule and was selected by the user. @OTP_STRING@ The one-time password that is generated by the one-time password provider. @PERMITTED_SCOPES@ A multi-valued macro that belongs inside an [RPT trustedClients] repeatable list. The values are replaced with the token scopes to which the OAuth client has access. @QUESTION_COUNT@ The number of questions presented on the login page. @QUESTION_TEXT@ The question text. This macro is only populated when the question is a user-provided question. @QUESTION_INDEX@ The question index. This index corresponds to the array of questions presented on the page when questions are presented as a group. @QUESTION_UNIQUE_ID@ The question unique identifier. @REDIRECT_URI@ The redirect URI the authorization server uses to send the authorization code to. The value depends on the following items:
- Redirect URI that is entered during partner registration.
- oauth_redirect parameter specified in the authorization request
@REGENERATE_ACTION@ The URl where the Generate button posts the form to regenerate and deliver the new one-time password value. @RESPONSE_TYPE@ The response_type parameter specified in the authorization request. @REQ_ADDR@ The URL into which the request from the user is sent. @RESELECT_ACTION@ The URl where the Reselect button posts the form to reselect the method for generating, delivering, and verifying the one-time password value. @STATE@ The state parameter specified in the authorization request. @TIMESTAMP@ The time stamp when the error occurred. @UNIQUE_ID@ A multi-valued macro that belongs inside an [RPT trustedClients] repeatable replacement list. The values are replaced with a unique identifier that identifies the trusted client information for each entry in the list. @USERNAME@ The Security Verify Access user name. Parent topic: Template files