Retrieving the application details
The application client_id and client_secret are retrieved.
The documentation for this API can be found at: https://<subscription hostname>/developer/explorer/#!/Application_Access/getApplication
- Request
GET https://<subscriptionhostname>/appaccess/v1.0/applications/<application id> Authorization: Bearer <api access token> Content-type: application/json Accept: application/json
- Response
200 OK <headers> { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/appaccess/v1.0/applications/<application id>" } }, "name": "<application name>", "templateId": "1", "providers": { "saml": { "properties": { "companyName": "<company name>" }, "justInTimeProvisioning": "false" }, "sso": { "idpInitiatedSSOSupport": "false", "userOptions": "oidc" }, "oidc": { "applicationUrl": "https://<web hostname>", "properties": { "grantTypes": { "authorizationCode": "true", "implicit": "true", "deviceFlow": "false", "ropc": "false" }, "redirectUris": [ "https://<web hostname>/pkmsoidc" ], "idTokenSigningAlg": "RS256", "accessTokenExpiry": 7200, "doNotGenerateClientSecret": "false", "generateRefreshToken": "false", "clientId": "<client id>", "clientSecret": "<client secret>", "sendAllKnownUserAttributes": "true" }, "scopes": [], "entitlements": [], "consentAction": "never_prompt", "requirePkceVerification": "false" } }, "applicationState": true, "approvalRequired": false, "description": "description", "signonState": true, "provisioningMode": "", "identitySources": [], "visibleOnLaunchpad": true, "provisioning": { "authentication": {}, "attributeMappings": [], "policies": { "provPolicy": "disabled", "deProvPolicy": "disabled", "deProvAction": "disabled", "adoptionPolicy": { "matchingAttributes": [], "remediationPolicy": {} } }, "extension": {}, "provisioningState": "disabled" }, "icon": "/appaccess/v1.0/icons/default_logo160.png", "defaultIcon": "/appaccess/v1.0/icons/default_logo160.png", "customIcon": "", "xforce": { "icon": "/appaccess/v1.0/icons/default_logo160.png", "name": "Custom Application", "description": "The custom template to access any type of application." }, "type": "Custom Application" }
Parent topic: Manually creating a connection