OTPDeliver mapping rule (Federation)
The OTPDeliver mapping rule specifies the delivery method of the one-time password to the user.
Use the following OTPDeliver mapping rules:
- Generate the one-time password hint
- The one-time password hint is a sequence of characters associated with the one-time password. The one-time password hint is displayed in the One-Time Password Login page. It is also sent to the user together with the one-time password.
We can customize the way the one-time password hint is generated by modifying the following section in the default OTPDeliver mapping rule:
var otpHint = Math.floor(1000 + (Math.random() * 9000));See the comments in the mapping rule for more details.
- Generate the formatted one-time password
- The formatted one-time password is the formatted version of the one-time password. The formatted one-time password, instead of the actual one-time password, is sent to the user. For example, for one-time password hint abcd, and one-time password 12345678, you can set the formatted one-time password as abcd-12345678. For one-time password hint efgh, and one-time password87654321, we can set the one-time password as efgh#8765#4321.
We can customize the way the one-time password is generated by modifying the following section in the sample OTPDeliver mapping rule:
var otpFormatted = otpHint + "-" + otp;See the comments in the mapping rule for more details.
- Modify the delivery type of the selected method for delivering the one-time password
- The delivery type specifies the one-time password Delivery plug-in that delivers the one-time password to the user.
- Modify the delivery attribute of the selected method to deliver
- The delivery attribute is an attribute associated with delivery type. The meaning of the delivery attribute depends on the one-time password provider plug-in for the delivery type. For example, for SMS delivery type, the delivery attribute is the mobile number of the user. For email delivery type, the delivery attribute is the email address of the user. See the comments in the mapping rule for more details.
We can also customize the mapping rule to use access control context data. For details see, Customizing one-time password mapping rules to use access control context data.
Parent topic: Manage JavaScript mapping rules