Create an application definition

An custom OpenID Connect 1.0 application is created.

The documentation for this API can be found at: https://<subscription hostname>/developer/explorer/#!/Application_Access/createApplication


    POST https://<subscription hostname>/appaccess/v1.0/applications/
    Authorization: Bearer <api access token>
    Content-type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
      "applicationState": true,
      "attributeMappings": [],
      "name": "<application name>",
      "description": "<description>",
      "owners": [],
      "templateId": "1",
      "providers": {
        "saml": {
          "properties": {
            "defaultNameIdFormat": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress",
            "validateAuthnRequest": "false",
            "encryptAssertion": "false",
            "signAuthnResponse": "true",
            "ici_reserved_subjectNameID": "1",
            "companyName": "<company name>",
            "includeAllAttributes": "false",
            "signatureAlgorithm": "RSA-SHA256"
          }    },
        "oidc": {
          "applicationUrl": "https://<web host name>",
          "properties": {
            "accessTokenExpiry": 7200,
            "grantTypes": {
              "implicit": "true",
              "authorizationCode": "true"
            "idTokenSigningAlg": "RS256",
            "generateRefreshToken": "false",
            "sendAllKnownUserAttributes": "true",
            "redirectUris": [
              "https://<web host name>/pkmsoidc"
            "doNotGenerateClientSecret": "false"
          }    },
        "sso": {
          "userOptions": "oidc",
          "idpInitiatedSSOSupport": "false"
        }  }}

The response received includes the application ID (See the last token of _links.self.href) used in subsequent requests.
201 Created

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/appaccess/v1.0/applications/<application id>",
      "title": "<application name>",
      "reconciliationId": ""
    }  }}

Parent topic: Manually creating a connection