LTPA module properties

Appliance property Self or Partner Mode Description
ltpa.self.filename SELF Issue LTPA file to use. Required.
ltpa.self.password SELF Issue Password used to protect the keys. It must be the same password that was used when the keys were created. Required.
ltpa.self.expiration SELF Issue Expiration, in minutes, set on created tokens. Default is 120.
ltpa.self.extattr SELF Issue Attribute type to add to a version 2 token. Enter one attribute type, or use an asterisk (*) for all types.
ltpa.self.realm SELF Issue Realm used to create the user name in the token.
ltpa.self.usefips SELF Issue Whether FIPS mode should be used for incoming tokens. Default is false.
ltpa.self.version SELF Issue Version of token to be created. Required.
ltpa.partner.filename PARTNER Validate Name of the previously imported LTPA file. Optional.
ltpa.partner.password PARTNER Validate Password used to protect the keys created by the partner. Optional.
ltpa.partner.usefips PARTNER Validate Whether FIPS mode should be used for incoming tokens.

Parent topic: Token module properties