Relying Party attribute types
The Relying Party can use specific attribute types during advanced configuration.
In mapping rules, the attribute operation, of type urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:operation runs the mapping rule code for the STSUU operation for the intended entry point. Based on the operation type, attributes of the necessary attribute type are specified, as shown in the following tables.
- If operation is authorize, add attributes before the redirect to /authorize.
Attribute type Description Usage urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:kickoff:param OIDC kickoff request parameters read urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:authorize:uri The authorization URL read, write urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:authorize:req:param OIDC /authorize request parameters. Can also be used to include a claims object in the request to /authorize. This claims parameter requests the email claim in the id_token as essential. read, write - If operation is token, add attributes before the request to /token. This operation means a request to /redirect for reentry from the OIDC Provider (OP).
Attribute type Description Usage urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:authorize:rsp:param Use this type to retrieve any of the parameters that were included in the redirect from the OIDC Provider. read urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:userinfo:req:param Use this type to add more string query parameters to the request to /userinfo. write urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:token:req:param Use this type to add more body parameters to the /token request. write urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:meta Contains metadata values that are relevant to the entire Relying Party flow. For example, it includes the nonce that is presented to /authorize. read Attribute types that are used for responses from /authorize, /token, and /userinfo.
Attribute type Description Usage urn:id_token:attribute:implicit If an id_token is returned from /authorize, the id_token claims have this type. read urn:id_token:attribute:token If an id_token is returned from /token, the id_token claims have this type. read urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:userinfo:rsp:param If a /userinfo request is made, the response properties have this type. read urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:token:rsp:param If a request to /token is made, the response parameters have this type. For example, access_token, expires_in, and scope. read urn:ibm:SAM:oidc:rp:authorize:rsp:paramf The response parameters from /authorize. For example, state. If an implicit flow is run, an access_token or id_token might be present with this type. read
Parent topic: Authentication with OpenID Connect Relying Party