JWT support

ISAM supports JWT by using STS to expose a JWT module.

This module can be run in the following two modes:

Consume a JWT.
Create a JWT.

Both modes support signing, encryption, and some basic validation or population of claims.

ISAM supports consuming a nested JWT using the header claim “cty”:”JWT”. However, this support applies only when the JWT is both signed and encrypted, per RFC 7519 section 11.2.

The JWT module supports the following JSON Web Algorithms.

Algorithm Uses symmetric key Uses certificates Required key size Suggested key size
HS256 Yes No   256 bits
RS256 No Yes At least 2048 bits  
ES256 No Yes 256 bits  
HS384 Yes No   384 bits
RS384 No Yes At least 2048 bits  
ES384 No Yes 384 bits  
HS512 Yes No   512 bits
RS512 No Yes At least 2048 bits  
ES512 No Yes 512 bits  
A required key size indicates that an error occurs if this value is not supplied. A suggested key size indicates the minimum value to achieve a reasonable level of security.

Algorithm Uses symmetric key Uses certificates Required key size
RSA1_5 No Yes At least 2048 bits
RSA-OAEP No Yes At least 2048 bits
RSA-OAEP-256 No Yes At least 2048 bits
A128KW Yes No 128 bits
A192KW Yes No 192 bits
A256KW Yes No 256 bits
A128GCMKW Yes No 128 bits
A192GCMKW Yes No 192 bits
A256GCMKW Yes No 256 bits
dir Yes No The key size that is required by the encryption algorithm (one of 128, 192, or 256 bits)
ECDH-ES No Yes  
ECDH-ES+A128KW No Yes  
ECDH-ES+A192KW No Yes  
ECDH-ES+A256KW No Yes  
A required key size indicates that an error occurs if this value is not supplied.

Algorithm Uses symmetric key Required key size
A128GCM Yes 128 bits
A192GCM Yes 192 bits
A256GCM Yes 256 bits
A128-CBC-HS256 Yes 256 bits
A192-CBC-HS384 Yes 384 bits
A256CBC-HS512 Yes 512 bits

The size of each character in the "symmetricKey" field is 8 bits. For a 128-bit key, you need to provide a 16 character key.

The previously listed algorithms are from the JWA RFC(7518) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518.

Parent topic: JSON Web Token (JWT)