server task trace

Enables the gathering of trace information for components of installed ISAM servers or server instances.

Requires authentication (administrator ID and password) to use.

server task server_name-host_name trace list [component]

server task server_name-host_name trace set component level [destination]

server task server_name-host_name trace show [component]

The server task stats command enables the gathering of trace information for components of installed ISAM servers or server instances that support debug event tracing. The content of trace messages is undocumented and is intended to be used for debugging purposes only. The format and content of trace messages might vary between product releases.


Return codes


  • The following example enables the pdwebpi.module.session-cookie trace component to level 9. Then, the output for all enabled components is displayed. Components specific to the web server plug-ins are prefixed with pdwebpi.
    pdadmin sec_master> server task trace set
    pdwebpi.module.session-cookie 9
    pdadmin sec_master> server task trace show
    Output from the trace show command is like:
    pdwebpi.module.session-cookie 9

    See also

    server list

    Parent topic: pdadmin commands