Interactive command mode
To start pdadmin in interactive mode, type the pdadmin command.
c:\> pdadmin
pdadmin> limited_pdadmin_commandLog on log on with administrator ID and password.
c:\> pdadmin
pdadmin> login
Enter User ID:sec_master
Enter Password: secmstrpw
pdadmin sec_master> pdadmin_commandUse the -a option to only be prompted for password:
c:\> pdadmin
pdadmin> login -a sec_master
Enter Password: secmstrpw
pdadmin sec_master> pdadmin_commandOr, we can bypass being prompted, which is less secure because your password is visible:
c:\> pdadmin
pdadmin> login -a sec_master -p secmstrpw
pdadmin sec_master> pdadmin_commandTo start pdadmin in interactive mode:
- With a login to a management or other domain.
- Where the ID and password are authenticated before access is permitted.
- Where user privileges are verified before users can issue commands.
For example, to log in to the management domain (Default) and authenticate, type:
pdadmin login -a admin_id -p password -m
pdadmin sec_master@Default> pdadmin_commandFor example, to log in to another domain domain01 and authenticate, type:
rpdadmin login -a sec_master -p secmstrpw -d domain01
pdadmin sec_master@domain01> pdadmin_commandAt the pdadmin prompt, type the appropriate commands and their associated options. The pdadmin prompt changes, depending on the type of login. See Login and logout commands for more information about the login command and prompt changes. In this release, the length of a command line used in pdadmin interactive mode is limited to 1023 characters.
Parent topic: Command modes